Wedding 2001
The bride arrivesThe Crown Prince and Crown Princess were married in Oslo Cathedral 25 August 2001. Here: The bride arrives at the Cathedral and is met by Crown Prince Haakon (Photo: Lise Åserud / Scanpix)
Oslo Cathedral: InteriorView of Oslo Cathedral during the ceremony (Photo: Tor Richardsen, Scanpix)
The CeremonyThe Bishop of Oslo, Gunnar Stålsett, performed the ceremony (Photo: Bjørn Sigurdsøn, Scanpix)
RingsThe Crown Prince placing the ring on the Crown Princess' finger (Photo: Bjørn Sigurdsøn, Scanpix)
During the ceremonyThe bride and groom during the ceremony (Photo: Bjørn Sigurdsøn, Scanpix)
The aisleWalking down the aisle after the ceremony (Photo: Tor Richardsen, Scanpix)
MariusThe Crown Princess' son Marius (Photo: Ørn Borgen / Scanpix)
At the cathedral stepsOn the steps of the Cathedral after the ceremony (Photo: Tor Richardsen, Scanpix)
At the cathedral stepsThe Crown Prince and Crown Princess waving from the cathedral steps (Foto: Lise Åserud, Scanpix)
Open carRiding back to The Royal Palace after the ceremony (Photo: Cornelius Poppe, Scanpix)
Gala dinnerThe Crown Prince and Crown Princess arriving at the gala dinner at The Royal Palace (Photo: Scanpix)
Wedding waltzThe bride and groom dancing the first waltz at The Royal Palace (Photo: Cornelius Poppe, Scanpix)
The Wedding CakeThe wedding cake ready to be cut in the ballroom (Photo: Terje Bendiksby, Scanpix)
The Palace balconyThe bride and groom with Marius, waving from the palace balcony (Photo: Erlend Aas, Scanpix)
På SlottsbalkongenPå oppfordring fra de mange frammøtte. Foto: Erlend Aas / NTB
View from the Palace BalconyView of the crowd at The Palace Square (Photo: Cornelius Poppe, Scanpix)
The Palace SquarePeople celebrating on The Palace Square (Photo: Knut Fjeldstad, Scanpix)