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Strategies for fighting AIDS

Their Royal Highnesses The Crown Prince and Crown Princess have been invited by UNAIDS to take part in a four-days meeting, at which 40 young leaders from across the world will come together to discuss AIDS as a global challenge.


The meeting is to be held in Silicon Valley outside of San Francisco 11-14 March.

The Young Leaders Summit is part of a larger project entitled aids2031 that was launched during the World Economic Forum in January. In 2031 it will be 50 years since AIDS was first reported. The 2031 initiative results from the realisation that efforts to fight HIV/AIDS must be viewed in the context of other major challenges facing the world, and the response must be adapted to other global developments.

The aids2031 project is a joint venture between agents working with AIDS at the international level, partners from the business sector and various organisations. The project is divided into nine working groups, each of which will examine a series of key questions. The outcome of each group’s work will provide the basis for the final report, to be submitted in 2009.

Young Leaders Summit in San Francisco is an aids2031 initiative. The aim is to enable young leaders from different fields to discuss the fight against AIDS across geography, cultures, experience and viewpoints, and to offer input to the established actors within the international AIDS effort.

The Crown Prince has served as an ambassador for the UNDP since 2003, while the Crown Princess was appointed a UNAIDS representative in 2006. Other participants at the summit comprise young leaders from around the world who are working with AIDS-related topics and global issues through politics, culture, business, media or organisations.

Prosjektet aids2031 er et samarbeid mellom enkeltaktører innen det internasjonale AIDS arbeidet og ulike partnere fra næringsliv- og organisasjonsliv. Prosjektet er inndelt i 9 arbeidsgrupper med hvert sitt fokus. Alle arbeidsgruppene vil gi sine innspill til en samlet rapport som skal legges frem i 2009.

Young Leaders Summit i San Francisco er et initiativ under aids2031. Intensjonen er at unge ledere på ulike arenaer skal kunne diskutere tilnærmingen til AIDS arbeidet på tvers av verdensdeler, kulturer, erfaring og ståsted, og gi innspill til de tunge, veletablerte AIDS aktørene.

Kronprinsen har siden 2003 vært ambassadør for UNDP, mens Kronprinsessen i 2006 ble utnevnt til spesialutsending for UNAIDS. De øvrige deltakerne på samlingen er unge ledere fra hele verden som arbeider med AIDS tematikken og globale spørsmål – enten det er gjennom politikk, kultur, næringsliv, media eller organisasjonsliv.

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