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Meeting with young Ukrainians

According to youth leaders, the spread of HIV may be reversed through active information efforts. On Tuesday, 21 October, Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mette-Marit met with youth leaders involved in the effort to combat AIDS.


Although the Crown Princess was unable to complete her programme as planned due to injury, a meeting was arranged at her hotel with young people who had travelled from various parts of the country to discuss HIV/AIDS issues with the Crown Princess.

Seven young people, aged 16-24, described their experience with prevention work and stressed the importance of openness in AIDS-related activities. They also discussed the importance of youth leadership.

Lecture at Kiev University

That same day Dr Peter Piot gave a lecture on HIV/AIDS to a full house at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Kiev University). Dr Sigrun Mogedal, Norwegian Ambassador for HIV/AIDS, read the speech that the Crown Princess was to have held. One of the main messages of the speech was that leaders must have the courage to address difficult, sensitive issues.

That evening Ambassador Olav Berstad hosted a dinner for representatives from Norwegian and Ukrainian trade and industry, focusing on corporate social responsibility and peer education.

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