Queen Sonja
Bryllup 1968
Forlovelse19 March 1968 at 11:00 there was an official announcement from the Royal Palace: Crown Prince Harald and Miss Sonja Haraldsen were engaged to be married. Photo: NTB Arkiv / Scanpix
ForlovelseIn the Palace Square after the announcement. Photo: NTB arkiv / Scanpix
ForlovelseIn the Palace Square. Photo: NTB arkiv / Scanpix
ForlovelseIn the Palace Square. Photo: NTB arkiv / Scanpix
ForlovelseIn the Palace Square. Photo: NTB arkiv / Scanpix
ForlovelseAfterwards there was a press conference and a photo shoot in the Palace Park. Photo: NTB arkiv / Scanpix
ForlovelsePhoto session in the Palace Park. Photo: NTB arkiv / Scanpix
ForlovelsePhoto session in the Palace Park. Photo: NTB arkiv / Scanpix
ForlovelsePhoto session in the Palace Park. Photo: NTB arkiv / Scanpix
KunngjøringOg slik så det ut da Stortingspresident Bernt Ingvaldsen leste opp Kongens erklæring i forbindelse med forlovelsen mellom Kronprins Harald og Sonja Haraldsen i Stortinget. Foto: NTB / Scanpix.
BryllupThen Crown Prince Harald and Crown Princess Sonja married 29 August 1968 (Archives, Scanpix)
BryllupKing Olav and Sonja Haraldsen before the ceremony (Archive, Scanpix)
BryllupKing Olav leading the bride down the aisle (Scanpix, Archive)
BryllupKing Olav leading the bride down the aisle (Photo: NTB / Scanpix)
BryllupBruden. Foto: NTB Arkiv / Scanpix
BryllupThe Bishop of Oslo, Fritjov Birkeli, performed the ceremony (Photo: NTB / Scanpix)
BryllupThe Bishop of Oslo, Fritjov Birkeli, performed the ceremony (Photo: NTB / Scanpix)
BryllupVielse. De kongelige gjestene sitter på hver side. NTB-arkivfoto / Scanpix
BryllupThe Crown Prince and Crown Princess leaving the cathedral (Photo: NTB archives / Scanpix)
BryllupThe bride and groom outside the cathedral (Foto: NTB / Scanpix)
BryllupTravelling from the cathedral to the Royal Palace (Photo: NTB archives / Scanpix)
BryllupOfficial photograph from The Bird Room at The Royal Palace (Scanpix, Archive)
FeiringTilbake på Slottet kom brudeparet ut på Slottsbalkongen for å hilse alle dem som hadde samlet seg utenfor. Foto: NTB arkivfoto / scanpix
FeiringUtenfor Slottet var plassen var full av feirende som håpet på et glimt av de nygifte. Foto: Aktuell / Scanpix
FeiringKing Olav, Crown Prince Harald and Crown Princess Sonja during the gala dinner (Archive, Scanpix)
Feiring2,5 meter bryllupskake er pyntet. Foto: NTB / scanpix
FeiringWaltzing at The Royal Palace (Photo: NTB archives / Scanpix)
FeiringWaltzing at The Royal Palace (Photo: NTB archives / Scanpix)
FeiringWaltzing at The Royal Palace (Photo: NTB archives / Scanpix)