Crown Prince Haakon
UNDP Goodwill Ambassador
In 2003, Crown Prince Haakon was appointed Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Development Programme, UNDP. He has particular focus on the UN Millennium Development Goals and the effort to cut global poverty, and has visited several countries in his capasity as Goodwill Ambassador.
Colombia 2019Kronprins Haakon besøkte Colombia for UNDP i februar 2019. - Ingenting er viktigere for utvikling enn fred, sa Kronprinsen etter møte med Colombias president, Iván Duque. Foto: FN-sambandet / Eivind Oskarson
Colombia 2019I 2016 ble fredsavtalen mellom Colombianske myndigheter og FARC-geriljaen signert etter 50 år med krig. Kunstneren Doris Salcedo forteller om gulvet i Fragmentos: Det er laget av våpen levert inn av FARC-geriljaen og smeltet om. Foto: FN-sambandet / Eivind Oskarson
Colombia 2019Kronprinsen møtte offer for krigen som kostet 200 000 liv og talte over åtte millioner registrerte ofre. Foto: FN-sambandet / Eivind Oskarson
Colombia 2019På besøk hos UNDP i Bogotá. Foto: FN-sambandet / Eivind Oskarson
Colombia 2019På besøk til El Torno i La Mojana-området sør-øst i Colombia. Området er svært sårbart for klimaendringer, men et lokalt pilotprosjekt har gitt svært gode resultater. Foto: FN-sambandet / Eivind Oskarson
Colombia 2019Konsert mot avskoging: Totó La Momposina, kjent for sin store stemme og karisma, er ambassadør for Alliansen mot avskoging. Foto: FN-sambandet / Eivind Oskarson. Foto: FN-sambandet / Eivind Oskarson
Colombia 2019Kronprinsen reiste til Mesetas for å besøke et program som integrerer tidligere FARC-soldater i lokale prosjekter. Foto: FN-sambandet / Eivind Oskarson
Colombia 2019Kronprinsen fikk åpne the Caño Rojo Trail - et tilskudd til den voksende økoturismen. Foto: FN-sambandet / Eivind Oskarson
Liberia 2017I april 2017 gikk feltturen med UNDP til Liberia. Kronprinsen møtte overlevende etter Ebola-epidemien som startet i 2014. Det første utbruddet av Ebola ble oppdaget på Redemption Hospital. Foto: Christian Lagaard, Det kongelige hoff.
Liberia 2017Sterk stigmatisering møter overlevende etter ebola. Det gjør det vanskelig å finne arbeid og skaffe inntekt til familien. Foto: Christian Lagaard, Det kongelige hoff.
Liberia 2017Paradise gikk fra dør til dør og lette etter tilfeller av ebola. Slik bidro han til å redde mange liv. I dag sliter han med å få arbeid på grunn av stigmatiseringen. Foto: Christian Lagaard, Det kongelige hoff.
Liberia 2017Kronprins Haakon hilser på ebola-overlevende i Paynesville. Å håndhilse på ofrene er et viktig signal i kampen mot stigmatiseringen. Foto: Christian Lagaard, Det kongelige hoff.
Liberia 2017Landets kvinner er en viktig ressurs når en bedre framtid skal bygges. Foto: Christian Lagaard, Det kongelige hoff.
Liberia 2017Pink Panthers er en gruppe damer med hver sin motorsykkeltaxi. UNDP bistår med god kjøreopplæring og sikkerhetsutstyr. Kronprinsen fikk snakket med damene om hva denne jobben betyr for dem: Mat på bordet og skolegang for barna var det gjennomgående svaret. Foto: Christian Lagaard, Det kongelige hoff.
Liberia 2017Kronprins Haakon holder foredrag om UNDP og arbeidet med bærekraftsmålene på University of Liberia. Foto: Christian Lagaard, Det kongelige hoff.
Timor-Leste 2015In 2015, Crown Prince Haakon travelled to Timor-Leste, visiting several UNDP supported projects throughout the country, Photo: UNDP
Timor-Leste 2015Used plastic bottles are cut into smaller pieces and sold as plastic for recycling purposes, providing income as well as saving the environment. Photo: UNDP
Timor-Leste 2015In the village of Poetete, the lives of several hundred families changed for the better when they gained easier access to safe drinking water. Photo: UNDP
Timor-Leste 2015Crown Prince Haakon lectures at the University of Dili, on the UN Millennium Goals. Photo: Christian Lagaard, the Royal Court.
Timor-Leste 2015A new way of producing salt is more efficient as well as less damaging to the health of the workers. The production provides a good income for female farmers in the Ulmehra district. Photo: UNDP
Ten yearsThe Crown Prince receives an award from UNDP's Helen Clark for more than ten years as Goodwill Ambassador for the UNDP (Foto: UNDP)
Zambia 2013November 2013, Crown Prince Haakon visits Zambia on behalf of UNDP. Sustainable development, women's situation and the fight against poverty are the the main issues (Photo: Stein J. Bjørge)
Zambia 2013To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseasesr is UN Millennium Goal no 6. The Crown Prince visited the hospital in Chongwe where he met mothers, children and care workers. (Photo: UNDP)
Zambia 2013Crown Prince Haakon gives a presentation of the UN Millennium Goals at the University of Zambia (Foto: UNDP)
Zambia 2013Crown Prince Haakon visits Kazungula village to gain insight into how climate change effects their living conditions (Photo: Stein J. Bjørge)
Zambia 2013Farmers have been trained in alternative farming methods that prevent deforestation and erosion, and new types of crops and livestock have been introduced. These measures have improved food security and expanded the income base. Photo: the Royal Court.
Zambia 2013Crown Prince Haakon with women farmers in Kazungula village (Photo: Stein J. Bjørge)
Zambia 2013There is enormous potential for ecotourism in Zambia. A main attraction: Victoria Falls. Photo: the Royal Court
Haiti 2012Haiti was struck by a devastating earthquake in January 2010. In 2012, Crown Prince Haakon went to Haiti to visit several projects launched by UNDP to assist in the rebuilding effort and promote development in Haiti. Photo: the Royal Court.
Kapuscinski lecturesDecember 2011, Crown Prince Haakon was the key note speaker at the “Kapuscinski lectures” at the University of Warszaw, Poland. (Photo: Christian Lagaard, the Royal Court)
Nepal 2011In 2011, the field trip went to Nepal. Toghether with UNDP Administrator Helen Clark, he visited several projects aimed at bringing various groups into the development process in a positive manner. (Photo: Navesh Chitrakar, Reuters/Scanpix)
Nepal 2011Crown Prince Haakon speaks at the opening of a new mother and child health care centre in Kamdi village (Photo: Kristian Andersen, UNDP)
Botswana 2009November 2009, Crown Prince Haakon visited Botswana in his capacity as Goodwill Ambassador for UNDP. The Crown Prince met local authorities and fishermen in the village Samochima (Photo: Ida Fjeldbraaten, The Royal Court)
Botswana 2009Crown Prince Haakon fishing with local fishermen in the Okavango delta (Photo: Ida Fjeldbraaten, The Royal Court)
Botswana 2009Crown Prince Haakon fishing with local fishermen in the Okavango delta (Photo: Ida Fjeldbraaten, The Royal Court)
Botswana 2009The Crown Prince with Ms Belda Mosepele, UNDP Manager for the Biokavango Project (Photo: Ida Fjeldbraaten: The Royal Court)
Ms. AmgalanIn 2008 The Crown Prince visited Mongolia as UNDP ambassador. Here he is greeted by Ms. Amgalan, Chairperson of Community Development Center in Ulaanbaatar (Photo: D. Rentsendorj, Montsame news agency)
LectureCrown Prince Haakon gives a lecture at "Our Home Ger School" in Ulaanbaatar (Photo: D. Rentsendorj, Montsame news agency)
Our Home Ger SchoolCrown Prince Haakon is greeted by students at "Our home Ger School" in Ulaanbaatar (Photo: D. Rentsendorj, Montsame news agency)
President EnkhbayarCrown Prince Haakon meets with the President of Mongolia Mr. N. Enkhbayar (Photo: D. Rentsendorj, Montsame news agency)
Press meetingCrown Prince Haakon meeting Mongolian press in Ulaanbaatar (Photo: D. Rentsendorj, Montsame news agency)
MayumiThe Crown Prince with Mayumi, a Japanese volunteer teacher at the "Our Home Ger School" (Photo: D. Rentsendorj, Montsame news agency).
Street lightingDeputy Governor Ms. Surenchimeg demonstrates how street lighting has made their community safer (Photo: D. Rentsendorj, Montsame news agency).
Arrival in KhentiiCrown Prince Haakon and Governor Jargal of Khentii province are greeted by nomadic herder Gantuya (Photo: D. Rentsendorj, Montsame news agency)
LuncheonCrown Prince Haakon was invited to lunch with herders Gantuya and Shurentsetseg (Photo: D. Rentsendorj, Montsame news agency).
ArcheryCrown Prince Haakon tested his archery skills supported by herder Gantuya (Photo: D. Rentsendorj, Montsame news agency).
LivestockCrown Prince Haakon is shown the livestock of nomadic herder Gantuya (Photo: D. Rentsendorj, Montsame news agency)
LectureCrown Prince Haakon giving a lecture on the UN millenium goals at Mongol National University (Photo: Agnete Brun)
Sierra Leone 2005Kronprinsen var på et fem dagers besøk til Sierra Leone for UNDP i 2005. Her fikk han ødelegge et av våpnene som er samlet inn fra tidligere opprørere (Foto: Scanpix)
Sierra Leone 2005Kronprins Haakon besøker landsbyen Magburaka i Sierra Leone. Fotballbanen i denne landsbyen er bygget med midler fra Arms for development-programmet som myndighetene og UNDP har etablert. Foto: UNDP / SCANPIX
Kambodsja 2004Kronprinsens første feltreise for UNDP gikk til Kambodsja i 2004. Det inkluderte blant annet et besøk til minerydderne ved Cambodia Mine Action Centre (CMAC) i Kampong Chnang. Foto: Erlend Aas / NTB scanpix
Goodwill- ambassadørProgrammets leder Mark Malloch Brown ønsket kronprinsen velkommen til et fire dagers opplæringskurs i New york etter utnevnelsen i 2003 (Foto: Kristine Nyborg / Scanpix)